How to create a new request
Navigate to and click "New Request" if you do not see the title "Start a Request"
If you would like to use a template, click any of the templates and then select "Use This Template", otherwise select "Start Fresh"
Enter the name of the request, a description, choose an account, then select who should be responsible for this request. Hit "Create" to move to the next step.
Please note - if you do not have any accounts with at least one external user added, you can not create a request
Drag and drop from the left hand column field options to create your request. Hit next at the top right when the form is configured
Preview the form and make sure it looks good. If you want to pre-fill any fields this is the place to do it. Hit next when ready
If you hit "Save" on a field but did not mean to, click "Clear Answer" at the bottom right to erase the answer
Finalize the form by choosing:
To publish immediately, or schedule the request
Send an email to assignee when published
Set a due date
Set any reminders
How to edit a published request
Navigate to and click on the request you would like to edit
Click the drop down arrow next to "Download PDF" to reveal all options. The options are as follows:
Mark Request as Complete - will mark the request as complete immediately
Request Info - view the status, publish date, due date, who the request is assigned to, and how many reminders are set
Email & Reminder Log - view any emails sent from this request and scheduled reminders
Duplicate - creates a new duplicate request as a draft
Create Template - creates a template based on this request
Edit Request - lets you edit the request
Publish & Reminder Settings - lets you adjust the publish and reminder settings
Send Notification Email - send a manual reminder email with an optional custom message
Return to Draft - Unpublish the request immediately
Archive Request - Move the request to the archive area to unclutter your request area
Click "Edit Request"
Any edits you make to the request will be saved immediately and be live
how do I use the client onboarding template
To use our client onboarding template, or any of our request templates please follow these instructions.
Navigate to and click "New Request" if you do not see the title "Start a Request"
Click any of the templates and then select "Use This Template", otherwise select "Start Fresh"
Enter the name of the request, a description, choose an account, then select who should be responsible for this request. Hit "Create" to move to the next step.
Please note - if you do not have any accounts with at least one external user added, you can not create a request
Edit the request or if you are happy with it, hit next at the top right when the form is configured
Preview the form and make sure it looks good. If you want to pre-fill any fields this is the place to do it. Hit next when ready
If you hit "Save" on a field but did not mean to, click "Clear Answer" at the bottom right to erase the answer
Finalize the form by choosing:
To publish immediately, or schedule the request
Send an email to assignee when published
Set a due date
Set any reminders