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Tasks FAQ
Connor Bearse avatar
Written by Connor Bearse
Updated over a month ago

Can I assign tasks to multiple people?

Currently, Sydnee Client Portals does not support assigning multiple people to a single task. Each task is designed to have a single assignee to maintain clear ownership and accountability. This approach helps ensure that responsibilities are well-defined and avoids potential confusion about who is responsible for completing a task. However, you can use features like task comments, file attachments, and subtasks to collaborate effectively with team members on a task.

If assigning multiple people to a task is a critical need for your workflow, we recommend creating separate tasks for each individual or using subtasks to delegate portions of a task to multiple people. We’re always looking to enhance our platform based on user needs. If this feature would improve your experience with Sydnee, we encourage you to share your thoughts and vote for it on our feedback board at Your input helps us prioritize future updates and make Sydnee even better for our users.

Can I save a task as a template for reuse later?

Templates for tasks are not currently supported. Templates are only available for requests currently.

Can I duplicate a task?

Duplicating a task is not currently supported

Can I hide a task from my clients?

Yes, you can hide a task from your clients by clicking "Hide from Client" while in a task. This makes it so only your team can see it.

Can I have an area of tasks only for my team mates?

Currently, we only support hiding tasks from your clients or private tasks. We see some of our users create an account that only their team belongs to as a work around.

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